Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

     Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the latest in a trilogy including Deus Ex and the largely underrated Deus Ex: Invisible War. The series refined the cyberpunk theme and brought it to gamers who had never played games such as System Shock or Shadowrun. The newest installment, which has been returned to the hands of the original developer, Eidos, is a prequel to the first game and features Adam Jensen, a security guard for Sarif Industries, a company involved in developing biomechanical augmentations. After a near-fatal attack on the company by forces unknown, Adam's life is saved through a surgery endowing him with some of these augmentations. From there, things only become more suspicious, and it is left to Adam to discover just what is going on. Look for this amazing experience in February 2011. Here's some videos to tide you guys over.